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mind reader 自稱能知他人心事的人。

mind reading

At thepresent , you may stare at the hold the breath , inclines the head andlistens attentively , peaceful mind reading , makes the knowledgegradually to be long , you also may follow own hobby , does any to beinterested the matter 而今,你可凝視屏息,側耳傾聽,靜心閱讀,令學識漸長,你還可以依隨自己的愛好,去干任何一件感興趣的事情。

If everyday mind reading is a sixth sense , it ' s a very complicated one that relies on all the other senses and fully exploits our cognitive and perceptual abilities 如果把每天的”讀心“稱為第六感,那么這就一個種非常復雜,完全依靠其它各感知,且完全利用了我們的認知力和感知力的第六感。

You did not need the skills of a mind reader to tell that the performance had disappointed the manager in a way not seen before in his time in england 你沒必要動腦筋去想就可以知道球隊的表現是多么令人失望,主教練在英格蘭這段時間這是第一次已這種方式贏得勝利。

1 we are not mind readers and we never will be . our lack of mind reading ability is not proof of how little we care about you 第一條:我們不是你們肚子的蛔蟲。永遠都不是。我們不善于揣摩你們的心思,這并不能證明我們對你們不夠關心。

Our full - scale stage magic show is a cutting edge , professional act - complete with manipulation , comedy , mind reading and illusion 我們整出的舞臺魔術表演是精煉、專業的表演藝術,融合了手法技巧,喜劇,讀心和幻術。

You ' re not a mind reader and neither is he , so if you want to understand each other , you have to come out with it 你不能隨時知道別人在想什么,他也不能,所以要想彼此理解,就得把話說出來。

Rumei : why don ' t you and yunbo sit together ? i wouldn ' t mind reading for a while . we can switch seats later on 如梅:你和云波坐一起吧,我想看一會兒書,過會兒我們再換座位。

About text mode browsers : if you don ' t mind reading only the texts , they are great . period 關于文本模式的瀏覽器:如果你不介意僅僅讀文本,它們極其出色。就是這么回事。

Look at your friends and family and see if you are a mind reader 留意你的朋友和家人,看看你是否是一個善解人意的觀察者

Would you mind reading to him tonight 你能給她讀嗎

Wow , you ' re like a mind reader 哇~你可真說到我心里去了

Would you mind reading this out loud 你介意讀的再響點嗎?

- i ' m not a mind reader , jerry . - give me back my grenade -我不會讀心術,杰瑞-把我的手雷還給我

I ' m not a mind reader , jerry . - give me back my grenade 我不會讀心術,杰瑞-把我的手雷還給我

Reading body language is a core component of mind reading 肢體語言在讀心里是一個核心部分。

Do you mind reading hack the text of my message 你把我的電文重念一遍,好嗎?

I swear , mr . crawley , you must be a mind reader 你真是一位有心人,克勞萊先生